

如何调整电子水平仪水平泡? How to adjust the level bubble of an electronic level?

  • 浏览次数: ...
  • 发布时间: 2024-01-30





During the weighing process, the electronic level may experience measurement errors due to uneven placement. The greater the weighing accuracy, the greater the deviation (such as analytical level and a small number of electronic level instruments), so most electronic level instruments come with the function of adjusting the level. 1. Rotate the left or right flat base and first adjust the horizontal bubble to the center line of the liquid chamber. Rotating a single left or right adjustable flat base is actually adjusting the slope of the level gauge, and of course, the horizontal bubble can be adjusted to the centerline. The key is to adjust which leveling base to use. Beginners can make this judgment by manually tilting the level to make the horizontal bubble reach the centerline, and then adjusting the height of one of the flat adjustment bases to see which one is higher or lower, so that the horizontal bubble can move to the centerline. Note: After reaching the central line, you can choose the next step 2. Rotate two flat bottomed seats simultaneously, and the amplitude must be consistent. All horizontal foam must move clockwise or counterclockwise to the center line., If the gradient of the level gauge remains unchanged, the horizontal foam will not leave the central line. As long as there is no problem with the rotation direction, it will definitely reach the center of the liquid chamber. Simultaneous clockwise or counterclockwise rotation: Rotate both hands simultaneously to level the base (with one hand facing the chest and the other hand facing the chest, in opposite directions, usually clockwise or counterclockwise rotation of the base). Direction issue: It is difficult for beginners to determine the direction. You can manually lift the base or another support to move the water bubble towards the center, and then observe the position of the leveling base to see if it needs to be raised or lowered. Please note that in the second step, the amplitude of both hands must be consistent. If they are not consistent, the liquid droplets will deviate from the centerline. If there is a deviation, start over from the beginning. The level foam of the precision electronic level can be leveled within 1-2 minutes after proficiency.


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